The NCLCC conducted an online forum entitled “Post Pandemic Online Teaching and Assessments for K-12 Learners” at the Virtual National Chinese Language Conference 2020 on Friday, June 26, 1:00pm – 2:00pm (EST).
Description: COVID-19 challenges to traditional teaching. National Chinese Language and Culture Coalition (NCLCC) explores the opportunities and strategies to develop Chinese language and education in the US for K-12 heritage and non-heritage learners by focusing on effective online assessments, effective learning materials, instructional activities, and especially as how to motivate learners to become expert communicators in Chinese language and culture.
Galal Walker (NEALRC), Lorna Xing (CSAUS), Theresa Chao (NCACLS) and Baocai Jia (CLASS) made presentations from various perspectives towards the central theme.
Below are the links to the video and PPTs for viewing and downloading.
PPT download: Click here.